is an unique treasure of northern nature– a large area of ancient forests, fjells, mires, small ponds and streams in Northern Finland. Some parts of the area have been protected, but most of the area has been classified as “commercial forest” by Finnish state forestry enterprise Metsähallitus - which means that the area is threatened by industrial forestry.

In the core areas of Peurakaira logging has in past three years been suspended by a legal dispute between Metsähallitus and the Lapin Paliskunta* (Lappi reindeer herding co-operative). However, the agreement between the parties came into an end in the end of year 2003 and the destiny of the area is now uncertain.

27.10.2009 Agreement saves 35 000 hectares of intact forest in Lapland

Enter the Forest...

* Located in the southern part of homeland of indigenous Sámi people, the Lappi reindeer herding co-operative is the third biggest reindeer herding co-operative in Finland. Most of the reindeer in the area are owned by the Sámi living in the village of Vuotso.

Peurakaira is the most important forest area within the Lappi reindeer herding co-operative. Old-growth forests in the area are rich of tree hanging arboreal lichen, which is the most important source of wood for reindeer in wintertime.

peura reindeer (half tame deer of Lappland), wild deer
kairaWilderness of Lappland in Finnish. The last Kairas are being destroyd: new roads cut into ancient forests - logging follows.
päätehakkuu – the final clear-cutting or so-called seed-tree logging of the forest.
The term is used by Finnish forestry sector. It means clearing most of the forest away

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